Recording a Screen and Camera Simultaneously

  • Enable your camera (if not on already)

  • If you want to ensure that your camera will remain on screen at all times, under the ‘Participants’ tab, hover over your name and select ‘More’, then ‘Pin” from the dropdown.

  • Click the ‘Share Screen’ button.

  • Under the ‘Basic’ tab, choose the application that you’d like to share, such as a Power Point Presentation (This option works slightly better than sharing your Desktop, as it will consistently place your camera in the same place in your recordings). Click Share.

  • The focus should now shift to the application you selected.

  • There are a few different options available for displaying participants. If you’d like only your camera to be visible, select the ‘Show active speaker video’ option.

  • Once you’ve chosen who will be visible in your recording, you can choose to have the participants overlay as large or small by clicking and dragging the corner of the overlay window.



Article ID: 146446
Tue 9/6/22 3:59 PM
Thu 12/15/22 3:02 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

This service allows you to video conference with your TWU account